The Show We All Needed: Review of Hunter Hayes’ End-of-the-Year Secret Show

Sara Brown

I checked off my last concert of 2021 in Nashville, Tennessee, 5 ½ hours from the area I call home these days, to see the second of Hunter Hayes’ two secret shows at The Basement. To be perfectly honest, I’ve seen Hunter Hayes live enough times to know he wouldn’t disappoint, but this show might just be my favorite show of his yet. It’s one I’ll be talking about for decades

Of course, before I get into the show itself, something I’ve always loved about Hunter Hayes that holds true to this day is how unbelievably kind he is. He has always gone out of his way for his fans, and this night was no exception. He stood outside in the 40 degree weather, a Sharpie in hand and hugs at the ready, to meet every single fan who came out to the show. He satisfied everyone’s requests, from taking pictures to making videos saying hello to people’s friends, and even carrying on our nearly decade-long tradition of singing together (if you want to know more about that story, check out my Instagram here). There were two girls standing behind me during the show who told me it was their very first time seeing him and I’ll never forget the excitement on their faces when they found out he was staying to meet everyone. 

This show was vastly different from my previous Hunter Hayes show experiences. Going from seeing him play country-tinged seated arenas and theaters to charmingly dingy standing room only venues with a rock ‘n’ roll vibe was a truly beautiful change in energy if you ask me. It was my first time seeing a show at The Basement – I’m checking iconic Nashville venues off my list one trip at a time – and I was not prepared for just how intimate this show would be. I ended up four rows of people back from the stage that stood at audience height, that is, you’re practically in the artist’s face if you’re in that front row. The Basement’s setup made the entire show feel very personal, like he was singing to us instead of for us. 

You could tell that the song arrangements were carefully put together, but there was a rawness created by the room. Every song felt very rock ‘n’ roll, more than ever before. I’ve never heard his songs quite like this; there was a new life to every single one of them. Songs I’ve known by heart for nearly a decade took on new energy and new meanings. I swear I stood in the crowd with my jaw dropped over that for at least half of the show. 

Having not seen him live since 2019, there was an air of raw confidence to this performance that I haven’t seen out of him before. That’s not to say that’s he’s never seemed confident before – he most certainly has – but there was something different going on here. If you’ve known him for a while, you could tell he had really come into his own over the past few years; it was almost like there was a whole new man up there. He played with reckless abandon, with seemingly no worry about how a song or a solo might be received. He was playing simply because he loved to play. That energy, playing your heart out not necessarily for the crowd but for the love of playing, made the show all the more invigorating. 

He played for two hours straight with no opener, throwing in some spur-of-the-moment jam sessions, joking with the crowd, and making sure we all felt right at home. Vocally, it was one of the best shows of his I’ve seen. He didn’t miss a note, and his voice never faltered. He showcased what a powerhouse guitar player he is with every solo he took, something that I think gets too often overlooked when it comes to his musicianship. Perhaps most importantly, he reminded the crowd of just how phenomenal his discography really is, treating us to so many songs I thought I’d never hear again.

The setlist for this particular show was chosen by the fans. Fans sent in their requests via text and Hunter himself said that they did their very best to accommodate every single one, resulting in the most perfect combination of his oldest and newest tracks. It was wild hearing some of those older songs again. There was just something in the air that night – I found myself moved by the music in ways I hadn’t felt with such muscle since I was a teenager. I’ll admit, there were a couple of songs that moved me to tears, songs that I think I very much needed to hear live again. 

Hunter’s music was the soundtrack to a very formative part of my life. His songs carried me through junior high and high school; they were my friends in the times that I had none. I saw him play ten times during that five year period, and it was going to his shows, attending those meet and greets, and most importantly, hearing those songs that helped me keep my head up when things got tough. I’m in a much different place in life now - my high school self never could have imagined where she’d be today – and hearing those songs that shaped me at that stage of my life again took me back to that girl who had no idea what she was doing. The night was special because we had both grown since I saw him last. 

What I’m trying to allude to is that there’s a magic in the air at a Hunter Hayes show. His music hits you and his performance moves you. With his music’s thematic range, I can guarantee you there was a song he played at this show that would have spoken directly to you, like it was written for you. I truly believe it’s impossible to not have fun at a Hunter Hayes show. Believe me, I watched too many boyfriends in the crowd jamming along to think any differently). There’s something for everyone, and that’s a beautiful thing. 

I’m still feeling the effects of this night WEEKS after the fact; this was clearly a show I needed, and how special is that? I could go on and on about what a great musician he is, I could do an in-depth analysis of the setlist from that night, but what I think really needs to be driven home is the emotional impact of his shows. I’ve seen plenty of shows from plenty of artists, but few have had the lasting impact on me that a Hunter Hayes show has. 

This show was unbelievably fun, invigorating, and good for my soul, and I’ll be thinking about this night for a long time. When he hits the road properly (which he alluded to being sooner rather than later during the show), go out and catch a show or two to see what I mean. Trust me when I tell you that you don’t want to miss him.