HAZZA! Now That We've Got Your Attention: Our Top Harry Styles Songs


As we celebrate Harry’s House week, we thought what a perfect time to highlight our favorite Harry Styles tracks. From his debut album to Fine Line and unreleased, we hope you enjoy the list and the playlist paired down at the bottom.

Harry’s House releases THIS FRIDAY, May 20th, and we can’t wait to add more favorites to the list.


Written by Sara Brown

“Cherry” lives in that beautiful, almost indescribable folk/indie/rock/Americana-Hozier/Lord Huron-style genre, those kinds of songs that you want to turn up loud while you drive toward a place you’ve never been in an attempt to heal from a lifetime’s worth of heartbreak. For me, it’s a very cinematic piece of music, something that would absolutely hit differently on the big screen. 

“Cherry” demonstrates vulnerability and a lyrical depth, as much of his work does, but in a much softer and more laidback package. What endears this track to me the most is the instrumental behind the lyrics, a brilliantly soft jangle leading up to the cathartic climax of the final chorus. All-in-all, it’s a very sad song, but that light jangle and twinkle makes “Cherry” one of the most beautiful pieces of music I’ve heard in a long time.  

Truthfully, I’m a newer Harry Styles fan, having admired him as a person and icon from afar for a while, and only just really getting into his music this year. Take it from me, a new fan who’s only beginning their love story with his music: “Cherry” belongs on any top ten Harry Styles list, any day. 

“From the Dining Table”

Written by Laura Kane

The meaning of “From the Dining Table” has changed for me over the past 5 years. The first time I heard HS1 was the summer before my freshman year of high school. I was dealing with a lot of change and heartbreak. “From the Dining Table” discribed my loneliness and teenage angst at the time. My Friends and I were all going to separate schools and my middle school crush didn’t like me back.

As the years follow “From the Dining Table” is my go to comfort song. “Maybe one day you’ll call me and say you’re sorry too” and the key change during the bridge sticks with me to this day as I wonder if any of my ex boyfriends feel any remorse for our breakups or if One Direction will ever get back together. “Even my phone misses your call by the way” gives me so much nostalgia and sadness taking me back to when my first love would call me, and the feeling I got when I saw his name pop up on my phone. Harry Styles made a breakthrough with “From the Dining table” musically and lyrically as it was a great way to end his debut album. Styles showed his growth and maturity after One Direction and still continues to do so. 


 Written by Evie Wagner

 It’s hard for me to choose only one favorite Harry Styles song, but among all my favorites, one that has always stuck out to me is “Kiwi”, from his first album. When Harry was just branching into solo artistry, he found his wild side in “Kiwi” - a daring, cheeky hard rock banger that feels like an edgier, rawer, more masculine-driven “Cherry Bomb” by the Runaways. The song itself is pure, classic rock & roll, from the overall sound, to the bold lyrics, to the vices Harry references, and I love everything about it. The story of the song is a mystery, adding to the rock & roll factor even more.

Harry really shines in the breakdown, letting it all out in the studio and, quite simply, just going feral for a little bit. This was a song where, even so early in his newfound solo stardom, he shed his inhibitions, let loose, and created a memorable track that superfans like me still cherish to this day (such as everyone anticipating the song’s high energy, barn-burner performance at Coachella). So, I guess I can say Kiwi is a cult classic. 


Written by Rebecca Potzner

It seems everyone would agree that it’s almost impossible to settle on just ONE favorite song from Mister Harry Styles. Making a choice was absolutely gut wrenching but also FAR too easy to jump and call it for my own. I would put my life on the line just to see Harry release his song ‘Medicine’.

For years, this track was a secret between Harry and his community. You only ever heard it live and almost everyone would go to a show with their fingers crossed hoping he’d play it. It was our little secret, well, until Coachella.

With lustful lyrics and buzzing guitars, this song is Rock n’ Roll to it’s core. ’Medicine’ is wild. It’s electric. And, it’s playful. Those exact characteristics are reflected through Harry AND the crowd when he performs it. Harry’s vocals take us on a rollercoaster ride stopping at the VERY top of the climb to linger…but only just for a little. A quick tease before the coaster drops back into this steamy ride of sexual tension. One listen and you truly can’t get enough.

Since this IS an unreleased track, I’ve added the best cover (in my opinion) by Royal Sugar to our playlist below. If you want the TRUE experience of ‘Medicine’ check out his St. Paul performance HERE….and GO SEE HARRY LIVE!

“Only Angel”

Written by Ashley Longo

As much as I love every Harry Style song, I think my favorite has to be “Only Angel” because it perfectly embodies that early, classic rock sound. Harry was actually influenced by that musical era and you really hear that come through in this song. 

What I love most about “Only Angel” is the huge contrast between the beginning and the rest of the song. Right away for the first minute you hear these beautiful, gorgeous, sounds, a choir of angels if you will, and with that you really have no idea which direction the song could go. But it switches gears completely from that angel-like sound to this epic sounding classic rock song. This is that song you just want to listen to over and over, singing and dancing your heart out. It feels heavy, but not too heavy, just enough to have that real rock n’ roll groove to it, which is so different from how the song starts. That contrast really elevates the song and showcases the range of talent that Harry has as an artist. Just to tie it all together, that angel choir sound comes back at the very end for the last few notes of the song. 

Harry Styles has such a bold personality that we’ve all watched blossom throughout his career as an artist. This song has so much personality in itself, but you also get a sense of that big, bold, personality that Harry has. In my eyes, Harry Styles is a rockstar, and this song alone just about proves it.


Written by Cassie Beaudoin

“She” is a perfect sultry masterpiece by Styles. The song clearly represents a man's desire for a woman. A woman they yearn for and one that’s in their deepest dreams. Styles dives into the psychedelic experience of infatuation over an illusion. The illusion in this instance is a dream woman, one all are fond of. No one knows who she is as she is just an illusion, a fixation towards women. This work of art is accompanied by immaculate guitar work and a solo to follow. This track is a perfect song to listen to as you’re getting ready to go out or needing something to just let loose and dance to. There’s never a dull moment in the world Harry Styles created in “She.” 

“Treat People With Kindness”

Written by Kiki Gilligan

One of Harry Styles’ most infamous songs, in my personal opinion, is ‘Treat People With Kindness.’ An anthem of unification, a feel good bop that delivers an undying message to treat everyone around you well, I love this song because the lyrics are some that every person should live by. There isn’t ever a time this track doesn’t get me smiling and/or dancing with its dance-y beat either. Thank you Harry for reminding us all we should TPWK. <3

“Two Ghosts”

Written by Baylee Avery

When Harry Styles released his debut album, I would see people on social media talking about either “Only Angel” or “Woman”, but there’s one song that I always felt never got the attention I thought it deserved, and that song being “Two Ghosts”. This song made me feel different forms of emotions and it quickly became my favorite Harry Styles song at the time. What I love about the song is the story that the lyrics paint about lost love. It’s easy for anyone who has ever mourned that lost love to relate to this song. Also, can we talk about the Pink Floyd “Wish You Were Here” reference in that song? Because that’s just another piece that makes this song so incredible.