REVIEW: The Last Bandoleros Take You to the Beach with "California Moon"

Sara Brown

Having recently transitioned from a four-piece to a trio, The Last Bandoleros are finding their groove with their new lineup and embracing collaboration. TLB have delivered some strong, hard-hitting releases over the past few months, but it’s been a while since they’ve shown their more laidback, acoustic side. 

Teaming up with singer/songwriter Hannah Brier, and showcasing lead vocals from Diego Navaira, “California Moon” is hypnotizing in a haunting way, almost like the singers are telling a ghost story. Navaira and Brier both sing about a mysterious love that didn’t last, like a fairy tale with a less-than-ideal ending. 

Just as with their last release, TLB explore some sounds I haven’t yet heard in a Bandoleros studio release. They have always been genre-defying, and “California Moon” is no exception. Like “Maldita,” released back in September 2021, “California Moon” was written during a week-long writing session with Shaggy at his home studio. The songs resulting from that session have been affectionately described as “Tex-Flex,” and all find themselves dipping more into pop and hip hop, something a bit different for TLB. “California Moon” deviates from the Tejano rock sound many have come to know them for in favor of a Latin-pop sound that is equally as delicious.  

Brier’s and Navaira’s voices blend beautifully, creating a vocal combination I wasn’t expecting. Having heard TLB collaborate with Kree Harrison in live settings, I knew what a female voice could bring to the table, but I wasn’t anticipating just how lovely Brier’s use of alto and Navaira’s tenor would be together. 

“California Moon” is haunting, but in a truly beautiful way. It evokes feelings of being on the beach as the sun has just set, taking in that last bit of warm before the water and sand start to cool. It takes me to California despite having never actually been there. It’s immersive, as though the story of a fleeting love is actually about you. 

“California Moon” is a perfect reminder of the storytelling powers The Last Bandoleros and Brier possess. With every release I still find myself amazed. The music video just dropped, so give it a spin and fall into the story.