Album Review: Venom Prison's Erebos

Justin Spartacus

British death metal has always been around (Dark Heresy, Impaler, Cancer) but not until this recent decade with the rise of streaming platforms, has it become so mainstream and truly appreciated. Venom Prison is apart of this new wave of UK death metal and they may have just locked in their slot for album of the year.

Erebos is the fourth album release from Venom Prison and with each album the guitars become increasingly more technical in song writing, vocals & lyrics are more precise, drum tracking & sound become more brutal, and post production with each album is taken to a new level. 

I was first introduced to Venmo Prison with their sophomore album, Samsara, but it felt like a traditional death metal album sound: high gain amps (probably Peavey 5150, Orange or EVH) , fast paced death metal drums, and a sound, mixing wise, that felt the same in each song. Not saying it’s a bad album at all, I still loved it, but it didn’t break new ground for me. It did, however, very much shock me to find out the singer is a front woman, Larissa Stupar. Female metal vocalists have been on a rise, and Larissa’s name should be on the top of that list. 

For their latest album, VP comes baring the sound of darkness and rejuvenation for the death metal genre. “Judges Of The Underworld” was the first single released from this album back in November, and as soon as the opening riffs and drums kicked in, I knew this album was going to hit differently. Both rhythm and lead guitars were beautifully showcased, a drum sound that thunders into you, and vocals from Larissa that choke your soul for more. 

Songs such as “Golden Apple If The Hesperides”, “Castigated in Steel and Concrete” and their single release “ Judges Of The Underworld” truly show how this UK death metal act has evolved since their debut in 2016 yet still offer a more traditional sound for original fans with songs such as “Technologies of Death” and “Veil of Night”.

One song though, that threw a curve ball in this album was “Pain of Oizys”. If there was one track to be considered a ballad on this album, this song would be it. It is beautifully orchestrated in the most death metal way and is actually one my favorite songs on the album. 

Erebos: a place of darkness in the underworld on the way to Hades. That is the journey you will take while listening to Venom Prison’s fourth musical installment “Erebos”. And when you come back, you will yell to metal gods: album of the year.