Greta FAN Fleet: 10 Inspiring GVF Fan Artists Making Their Mark

Laura Kane

Over the past two years dating back to October of 2020, Greta Van Fleet’s era with The Battle at Gardens Gate brought a certain group of individuals together. “My Way Soon” being their first single set the brand as living a free and exciting life through love and light.

In June of 2021, I had been going through a lonely transition in my life. I had just graduated high school and was working a 9 to 5 office job. I had no plans of going to college any time soon and had almost no friends. I was lost, and felt like a loser. Until one day, I was in the car with my sister, and she played “Rolling in the deep”, except it was the Greta Van Fleet version. Out of every song I could've heard, the cover of “Rolling in the deep” was the first time I heard Josh Kiszka sing. Most people would say the first Greta Van Fleet song they heard was “Highway Tune” or “You’re The One”. But mine was the “Rolling in the Deep” cover. I suppose that makes my story more unique. I ignored it just thinking they were some dumb cover band.

Many days later I was scrolling on Tik Tok and saw this strange looking curly haired dude singing on my for you page. At first, I thought it was Pete Davidson in a wig, because it was a performance on Saturday Night Live. More and more everyday I kept seeing that same video until I realized it was Greta Van Fleet. I finally sat down and listened to their whole discography and many live performances. Since then I’ve been hooked.

My life became brighter as I met people from all over the world due to our love for 4 guys from Michigan. I traveled to places all over the United States as my love for music, nature, art and humanity grew stronger. I became inspired to become a music journalist and realized that it's what I want to do for the rest of my life. Over the past year I've come to accept and love that I am a fangirl especially when it comes to fan art.

These 10 artists started with passion and love in their hearts and nothing but the basic materials for a simple painting, drawing, or a makeup look. Going into it as just a fun hobby, they are now making money and have built small businesses for themselves. After sitting down and chatting with the powerful, loving, and talented women featured in this article, I realize that the Greta Van Fleet community was brought together to inspire, love, and unite through the good and the dark times. 

Sarah Sharpe



19 year old Sarah Sharpe from Toronto, Ontario captures the boys of Greta Van Fleet with her captivating portraits. In 2020 Sarah was going through a rough patch and had lost a lot of creative inspiration. Being a full time student at Guelph university and pursuing her dreams of being a veterinarian, art was not one of her priorities. After finding Greta Van Fleet she got her groove back. Happy to have found some inspiration, her first piece was the “Heat Above” Sam Kiszka portrait.

Originally just creating for fun there was a huge demand for her art. She created “Heat Above” inspired portraits for Josh, Jake, and Danny as that became her first collection. She’s thankful for the inspiration from GVF and the abundance of love from fans as she feels seen and understood through her art. She creates art because of the connections and friendships she has made as the money is secondary. You can support Sarah’s art by following her on Instagram and shopping her Etsy here.  

     The “Heat Above”  Collection by Sarah Sharpe  

Katie Trahan


Sad Girl Does Crafts

Katie Trahan from upstate New York has always been a creative artsy person but in the aspect of being a professional dancer. After finding Greta Van Fleet and retiring from her dance career she created her etsy shop SadGirlDoesCrafts. Mostly creating fan art for Greta Van Fleet fans, her brilliant art is inspired by nature, other peoples art, and her own emotions.

Being a former dancer has also made a huge impact on her art as well. The people in her pieces are based off of her as she is the model for the majority of her creations. You can see she does many dance poses especially in her “Heat Above” and “Broken Bells” pieces.

Katie has also designed many tattoos and does commission pieces of all kinds. This quote from Katies Etsy struck me in the heart: “If I don’t do something creative everyday my soul dies a little. You’re really just helping me out here”. Go support Katie! She appreciates all of the love and support she can get. Follow her on Instagram and shop here.

Joella Malfitano


Iykyk Merch

By now, you have most likely spotted a famous Iykyk Merch graphic shirt somewhere. Joella Malfitano is conquering the art community with her trendy vintage collage style shirts. There is an extremely high demand for her items which makes her one of the more notable artists listed here. More and more everyday her numbers rise. What started out as a fun project has turned into a serious high fashion business. One of her first purchases was made by her now close friend Ally and she has made so many more lifelong connections through it all.

What really inspires her art are fandoms but specifically the Greta Van Fleet community. When she first found Greta there was not a lot of Fan art out there, so she made it herself. Her biggest dream as of right now is to move to Nashville and start making more connections in the music industry. She hopes to work with bands and artists to capture photos of her own for her iconic shirts to make her art even more original. Through her designs she has been able to showcase the work of many photographers such as Paige Sara, which has been a dream come true.

She was fortunate enough to give Josh a decorative tambourine which she worked so hard on and she really appreciates the guys of Greta Van Fleet and all the opportunities and inspiration that have come her way from their music. Follow Iykyk on Instagram and shop here.

Alyxandria Wiseman

of Shop Pearl Designs 

Alyxandria Wiseman is inspired by Jake Kiszka, from his suit designs down to his guitar technique.

She embodies everything about Jake into her artwork. Individually painting and crafting every jean jacket, putting so much work into her business to make sure her buyers feel the love put into her art. Alyx does everything from jean jackets to jewelry, and even takes commission orders. Alyx also had the opportunity to be a vendor at the Greta Van Fleet fan event. She was fortunate enough to work with the Kiszka and the Wagner Families along with some of the small business owners in Frankenmuth.

Alyx has only had her shop open since June of 2022 but has networked herself into a bright future for her business. Currently she has taken a break from selling everyday items on her etsy shop due to having a surplus of commission orders. Working day and night on her art, she is so thankful for all the support. Follow her on Instagram and shop here.

Ashley Frame

of Stay Crafty AF 

In my opinion, Ashley Frame is the sticker queen. Her cute and creative stickers have taken over the Greta Van Fleet community. After coming out of a dark period in her life, Ashley found GVF which led to her opening her Etsy shop. Her husband and friends have been her biggest supporters through it all.

She doesn't just sell stickers though. What gives her etsy shop a unique edge is her coloring books. Each coloring book has themes of many Greta Van fleet songs depicting what they look like. In September she was a vendor at the Greta Van Fleet fan event where she gave Dan Wagner a very special coloring book. Dan’s face lit up and said “You know who would really love this my son Daniel”. That interaction was so heartwarming and she's very thankful she got the opportunity to share her art with Danny Wagner's dad. Greta Van Fleet has brought Ashley so many lifelong friends and it brings her so much joy to create art and run a business. 

Follow her on Instagram and shop here.

Alexis Wills

of Slay Gracefully

I introduce to you the most unique artist in this bundle. She may not have a business but she does have fantastic eyebrows and a very popular makeup account on instagram.

Alexis Wills from Alabama brings the Greta Van Fleet community together with her amazing Greta themed makeup looks and inviting personality. Creating makeup looks inspired by Greta Van Fleet’s songs, lyrics and Danny Wagner's stage makeup are some of the things she favors. Through art and Greta Van Fleet she has been able to meet so many other artists who also inspire her. Her Fangirl personality goes into her marketing and creativeness when it comes to networking. Looking to hopefully someday be a full time makeup artist for bands, she has made connections leading her to do that.

Alexis’ most popular art series is called Greta Van Fleet Looks where she depicts Greta Van Fleet songs through makeup looks. Her most popular look is the “Heat Above” inspired makeup look. Alexis is so thankful For Greta Van Fleet and their message of peace, love and unity. If you'd like to show support, follow her on Instagram.

Marie Carmichael


Greta Van Beads

Marie Carmichael from Florida is a teacher by day and artist by night, creating jewelry inspired by Greta Van Fleets lyrics and outfits. Marie’s jewelry making process is what makes her art so quintessential to her business. She takes lyrics from songs and matches each lyric with an item until she builds on it more and more to create a full jewelry piece. She captures the fashion of Greta Van Fleet in her jewelry as well, taking inspiration from Josh’s suits and Danny’s makeup.

Making Jewelry is one of her biggest passions and sharing that with people is a dream come true. Her most popular piece is the “sparrow of the Dawn necklace” inspired by the song “Flower Power”.  She was also fortunate enough to meet Danny Wagner after the Gretallica Atlanta show in 2021. Meeting Danny was very special. Marie is so thankful Danny took the time to take a photo with her and it means a lot knowing he loves everyone in the peaceful army. 

Follow Greta Van Beads on Instagram and shop here.

Sydney Brear


Strange Horizons Club

Sydney Brear started her art business in the summer of 2021, naming it StrangeHorizonsClub after going to the Nashville Strange horizons show. Greta Van Fleet changed her life. Their music brought her and her family back together after a dark period and inspired her to create art.

Sydney has a surplus of masterpieces ranging from portrait vinyls to graphic T shirts. She’s been noticed on instagram by Jake Kiszka being that her Jake portraits are her most popular items. Her Talent and craftsmanship are what give her the well deserved support throughout the Greta Van Fleet community. Sydney is so thankful for the everlasting support from everyone.

She is inspired by the other artists in the Greta Van fleet community which drives her to put everything into her own art. Sydneys etsy shop grows bigger and bigger thanks to all the support from the peaceful army. Follow her on Instagram and shop here.

Libby Latham


Libby Kaye 

Libby Kaye from Nashville Tennessee grew up surrounded by art and music. Her deep connection with music inspires her art work. Through selling her GVF inspired hats via instagram, she has made many connections and lasting friendships throughout the years.

Her hats showcase beautiful symmetry and abstract designs capturing the themes of Greta Van Fleet in a very personal way. Starting with making a hat for herself, it’s now turned into a growing hat business. Focusing on commission orders has helped to continuously challenge herself.

Libby loves Nashville and is never afraid to express herself. Her family is her biggest support system and they've always encouraged her to be authentic. Get inspired and follow her on Instagram here.

Mallory Hartman 

of Greta Van Pottery 

The incredible Mallory Hartman handcrafts bowls, mugs, and so many other incredible special gifts. Being mostly inspired by Greta Van Fleet's message of peace and love, Mallory crafts her pieces with passion. Pulling inspiration into the size and design of the dish or mug is what makes each of her items so special.

Malory’s talent goes beyond pottery as well. Currently she is working and studying to become a dentist. Mallorys drive and stamina is what keeps her going. Finding a creative outlet in dentistry really helps her when it comes to crafting her pottery. If you’d like to support Mallory, you can follow her on Instagram or check out all of her pottery in her Etsy shop.