SH!NER Shows That He's a Shining Star with Debut EP

Baylee Avery

SH!NER’s debut EP, which consists of three songs titled “god in the mirror”, “Stranger”, and “ARTFUQ” all have their own kind of story to tell and listening to each song on the EP feels like turning a page in a book; a book that has you hooked and only makes you want more. 

Starting off with the first song, the title track of the EP - This song is give-you-goosebumps worthy. Especially when hearing the lyric, “If you wanna meet god, look in the fucking mirror.” The song is a combination of a piano ballad and the early 2000’s emo era. That combination in itself shows a strong start.

Next, we have “Stranger”. This song chronicles a story of a lost love and SH!NER’s voice and style really captures the emotion of lost love. It has a beautiful melody that is very soothing yet will have you shedding a tear as well. That melody along with SH!NER’s voice and lyrics is what makes this song as beautiful as it is. “Stranger” is definitely a standout track on the EP.

The third and final track on this wonderful EP is “ARTFUQ”. Now, you know how I mentioned that the first track has a mix of the early 2000’s emo era? Well, this song REALLY screams, “2000’s emo!” It has a sound to it that makes it so very enjoyable and easy to listen to. In fact, this is THE song to add to whatever playlist you have. “ARTFUQ” feels empowering and inspiring. It’s certainly one hell of a way to close out a great EP.

SH!NER has proved with this EP that he has a bright future ahead of him in the music industry. Every song is absolutely extremely enjoyable and remarkable. Each song showcases his talent and his ability to create wonderful songs. SH!NER, keep on being the shining star that you are and keep on creating fantastic bops.