Review: The Last Bandoleros Go “Tex-Flex” with New Release “Maldita”

Sara Brown
TLB maldita.jpeg

The Last Bandoleros are back with their first original release since they dropped “Chupacabra” on YouTube last October, a funky little 3-minute jam called “Maldita.”

The release of “Maldita” appears to mark the beginning of a new era for The Last Bandoleros, the “Tex-Flex” era, you could call it. “Maldita” was born out of a week-long writing session TLB was in with Shaggy – yes, the guy who did “It Wasn’t Me,” that Shaggy – designed to get them out of their comfort zone and to try something new. The result was a handful of a songs they’ve affectionately described as “Tex-Flex.” Whether they’ll all be released under that moniker only time will tell. 

That said, “Tex-Flex” is the perfect way to describe this track, if you ask me. After my first listen, I couldn’t get over how different it sounds from their previous stuff while still staying true to their roots. Blending the Tejano rock sounds and harmonies that they’re known for with Latin-infused hip hop beats, horn sounds, and just a little bit of Top 40s pop, they’ve created something I never would have imagined coming from them. It’s different, but in all the right ways. 

Featuring lead vocals from Derek James and Diego Navaira, two of my all-time favorite voices, the vocals really tie it all together. Navaira’s fierce lead on the chorus lends immediate energy to the track, and James’ softer, unique timbre on the verses draws you in and commands your attention. The juxtaposition of their vocal sounds makes “Maldita” all the more fun to listen to. 

And of course, the lyric video is worth talking about, because it’s all put together by Bandolero Derek James – he does all of the band’s videos, and they never disappoint. Alternating between shots of roses and a beautiful dancer with the lyrics laid on top, it’s a perfect visual representation of the song, and it brings the lyrics to life in an intoxicating way. 

“Maldita” is fresh, it’s fun, it’s TLB and then some. I’m gonna have this one on repeat until their next release, and if you’re reading this, I suggest you do the same! You won’t regret it, and you can thank me later.