Interview + EP Review: John Foley's Spirits

Baylee Avery

After four years, John Foley has released his new EP, Spirits. And he’s releasing said EP at the perfect time too, as it is now the start of the fall season - which also means that spooky season is officially upon us. 

Spirits follows up John’s previous EP release, Specters. So now the lingering question remains: “Was this EP worth the four year wait?” Well, my friends, grab your witch hats and find out. 

Speaking of witches, the EP starts off with “Hey Little Witch”. Upon first listen, you would think that this song came from the 70’s instead of our current generation. The sound itself, the organ, and John’s vocal performance in this song make it a perfect listen and it gives us the ultimate witchy, classic rock vibe.

Now moving on to the next track, “Follow The Water”. Ahh, what a great track to listen to after the ultimate witchy power track that is “Hey Little Witch”. Now, Imagine cruising down the coast with the ocean in the background, and your hair blowing in the wind then you have “Follow The Water”. The song feels like the ultimate beach road trip song and the sound just adds to that. Not to mention, it has been said that “Follow The Water” is the best summer song.

Next, we have the famous track, “Aces High”. We all have experienced bad luck in one way or another and this song is about experiencing bad luck. If you ever feel bad about the lack of good luck you’ve experienced, just listen to this song and it’ll probably make you feel better. This song is definitely a highlight off this EP and is yet another great spooky song. It sounds like something that could have been used in “American Horror Story: Freakshow,”

“What Fades Away” - I’m gonna come right out and say that this is a personal favorite of mine. There’s something about this song that makes it really special and it’s such a great listen, you’ll just want to listen to it again and again. Plus there’s an amazing guitar solo you’ll hear and let’s be real - we love and stan an amazing guitar solo. What a fantastic track to listen to. A must note - the lyric, “Specters come and spirits go”. We see what you did there, John.

And for our grand finale - “Another Lover”. When speaking to John, he said that he’s most excited for people to listen to “Another Lover” and honestly, it’s easy to see why. Are you looking for a song that you just want to listen to while you forget your past lover? Well, here’s the track to turn to.  This song has a folk-rock and Americana sound to it, plus another amazing guitar solo to add to it. While there are a handful of great songs about wanting to forget your former flame, this song has a special touch of some kind. Overall, it’s a great song to end the EP with.

The Spirits EP is certainly an incredible journey itself. The magic it brings when listening to it is something I can’t even begin to describe. Although, I will say that John knows how to bring in something great when it comes to the songs he releases.

You can stream the Spirits EP now!

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