Interview: American Slang at The MC Social Club

Justin Spartacus

Coming out of the heart of Chicago, American Slang finally was able to preform their first home town show post COVID lockdown and celebrate their release of their first studio album in head banging fashion. 

American Slang was first shown to me back in mid 2020 from fellow friend and musician, Jake Massanari (Them Evils). As soon as I heard their opening track from their debut album Death Drive, I knew these gentlemen were a raw diamond in the industrial plains of Chicago. I even put it on my top 5 album releases for the year; it that damn good. 

Shortly after I became good friends with their guitarist Tyler and social media friends with the rest of the dudes in American Slang. Upon hearing their first show back, I told the guys my ass was going to be there. 

For the set that evening, they played Death Drive in it’s entirety, but not in chronological order for tracks. They saved their largest streamed single ‘Holly Roller’ as the crowd finisher.

Without playing a show for 18 months, they had pent up rage to let out. Even their bassist ,Chris, was slapping so hard, his strap broke mid-set but he still kept it going as fellow friend and also playing that night in his own band, Steve Eldridge, rushed on stage to make him a makeshift strap only using tape; I hope that becomes his signature strap. Their lead guitarist Tyler, was raging hard on stage as he pounded a couple of cans of pre-workout before he stormed the stage and did not stop head banging. Second guitarist, Hunter, was dialed in & focused the entire time and his eyes never left his gorgeous purpler Ernie Ball JP Custom Shop. Drummer, Aaron, was in his groove and hit his strides in every breakdown, and finally their front man & Simpsons connoisseur, Adam, did not stop moving till the last note was hit. He had passion burning in his lungs and everyone felt it. 

American Slang is one the most sleeper hit bands you can find right now, and with the right momentum, these Chicago boys will be batting in the big leagues.

Check out our full pre show interview below.