Review: The Plot In You Releases “Face Me”

Justin Spartacus

For years fans, myself included, have pondered this one question: will The Plot In You release new music?  And finally after a silent hiatus, we are graced with a new single from their 6th studio album Swan Song slated to be released on September 17, 2021. 

From their first album in 2011, First Born, to their last release in 2018, DISPOSE, The Plot In You have beautifully evolved into what I call an “aggressive delicacy”. Yes their metal/post core ways are a phase they won’t return to, but frontman Landon Tewers hasn’t completely forgotten it, he just matured & composed it into something more.

For their new single “Face Me”, it feels like a nice continuation from DISPOSE in 2018, but with more of that “aggressive delicacy” as I mentioned before. Landon has a way of singing that almost puts you in his mind while the words are coming out. You feel everything he feels. 

Production wise, this song is an A++ as Landon Tewers himself worked on composing it; home studios are becoming the way of the future as artists are taking the time to sculpt their sound. 

Even though on guitars it sounds mostly like power cords at just the chorus and breakdown, it adds to the importance & power behind Landon’s lyrics. 

Landon has stated online he has been working two & half years on this next iteration of The Plot In You, and I am beyond excited to see this masterpiece.