First in Flight released their single “Skeletons” in April and it's a crime I didn’t hear it sooner.
The band is made up of four guys that come from very different musical backgrounds and while you can definitely hear a bit of each individual's influences throughout their music, it all meshes together perfectly and gives you this nice fusion of genres.
The lyrics in “Skeleton” may talk about secrets hiding behind every door, but the song itself has everything you could look for in a fun upbeat jam that you can jump around and dance to. It’s reminiscent of some very specific early 2000’s rock with the electronic elements and high energy music yet deeper subject matter throughout the lyrics.
In their Spotify bio they wrote, “The sweetness of cotton candy in the middle of a mosh pit” to describe their music. An interesting yet completely accurate description, especially for this song. You really don’t need anything more than that.
Admittedly, I can’t stop listening to this song and I’m probably responsible for half of the streams at this point. Speaking from personal experience, the only way to listen to “Skeletons” and First in Flight’s entire discography is loud and proud. So get to it!