Review: The Devil Wears Prada Brings A New Pandemic: ZII

Justin Spartacus

In 2010, The Devil Wears Prada released their EP Zombie (now referred to as ZI). It was a musical pandemic the world wasn’t ready for but needed and still a cult favorite of fans today. Now after a little over a decade, TDWP release their follow up EP, ZII

Their previously released record, The Act, showcased a different side than what TDWP fans were use to but it was also a welcoming change. Their hit single from that album, “ Chemical“, is currently their top Spotify song with over 9 million streams. The Act opened them to a lot more broader audience while still staying true to their metal core roots.

ZII is not The Act, however. 

Their opening track “Nightfall” immediately  brings the dark, depth brutality you are longing for. Even their slowest song “Contagion”, compared the other tracks that is, has some of the most cut throat chugs, riffs, & gallops I’ve heard in a while. 

“Forlorn” is already in my consideration for best metal track of 2021. It is perhaps their heaviest creation to date and your neck will surely be sore the next day. 

“ZII” is a metal masterpiece and just as “Zombie” is still remembered after being over a decade old, “ZII” will still be remembered for decades to come. 

Are you ready for it ?