Titans of Siren Release "Confession"

Chloe Walden

At the risk of sounding simplistic or unrefined; “Confession” Kicks. Ass. 

Titans of Siren (Matt LaMarca, Kirk Gower) release their first track since November today, and listeners can rest assured, it is well worth the wait. 

With evident punk and grunge influences, “Confession” absolutely brings every bit of thrash you could want in a single. There are hints of Bleach-era Nirvana-esque sound interspersed with a contemporary and progressive riffy flare that makes the track truly unique. It’s a little heavier than its predecessor “How to Not Leave Town”, but preserves the clever lyricism present therein. 

This, combined with the driving, sludge-y groove established by the duo, makes for a truly stellar recording. The thrashy percussion provided by drummer Matt LaMarca is delightfully crunchy when combined with the deep groovy fuzz of the guitar tracks laid down by Gower. It’s thick. It’s aggressive. It’s nasty. It’s absolute head banging music. 

The sheer chaotic force of “Confession” permeates the air around a listener, immediately placing you in the “right now”. It’s heavy without being over processed, and free from the obsessive nit picking that is  present in so much top 40 music. The raw human electricity from the two is transmitted directly to the listener without passing through the fine mesh sieve that removes so much of the delightful imperfections that go into creating a signature sound. This is not to say that “Confession” is unrefined.

In fact, it sounds damn good, finding a comfortable middle ground between what seems to be the two common recording and mixing techniques in the industry, “spotless, immaculate, perfectly processed” and “recorded in a tin can inside a microwave.” It just sounds organic. It sounds real. It sounds like a basement show and a hell of a good time. 

Accompanying the release of “Confession” is a music video that’s nearly as fun to watch as it must’ve been to record. This chaotic catharsis is beginning to become a defining theme for Titans of Siren, and their performance alludes to what type of fierce energy we can expect from live performances once they resume. 

Stream “Confession” now, and watch the music video