Lilith Czar's Created From Filth And Dust: The Road to Creation

Ayris Ouderkirk

Lilith Czar - formerly known as Juliet Simms - has released her new album Created From Filth And Dust: a journey of reinvention, standing in your power, and claiming your rightful place as King. 

Her name is an homage to the legend of the first woman Lilith who was a powerful force to be reckoned with that did not surrender to any man and was cast away to hell because of it. 

Lilith Czar has been very open about her struggles as a woman in the music industry, which she refers to as “a man's world” in the first single from this album, ‘King.’ She began her musical career at a very young age and has been fighting through the deep rooted misogyny ever since. This album presents you with her personal story where she takes her power back and comes into her most authentic self while making sure her voice is heard loud and clear. 

The album starts off with an intro poem that tells the story of Lilith. The end runs perfectly into the next song with a loud raspy scream from Lilith Czar making her grand entrance.

The beginning of this album is very in your face rock n roll with a deep and powerful message that she conveys through her intense vocals. She sings about making her own way through the world because she is the only person that she has to answer to. This is a big f-you to anyone that has tried to use their false sense of authority to silence her. You can tell that this is an album she’s wanted to make for a long time. 

We’ve established that she is standing in her power and is not going anywhere. Now we’re tackling her past self in this section of the album with tracks like ‘100 Little Deaths’ and ‘Lola’; a sign off to her inner child in order to heal and move forward. 

Of course I can’t glaze over the insanely powerful cover of ‘Edge of Seventeen’ by the queen herself, and huge inspiration to Lilith, Stevie Nicks. Lilith admitted these were big shoes to fill but she explained that this song helped shape her life and made an imprint that was just too great to not include it. She was right to do so, it fits in perfectly.  

The last few tracks dig deeper into the inner workings of her mind. On the track ‘In My Head’ she sings “sometimes I’d rather be dead than living in my head.” and personally, that is something very relatable. 

The last track on the album ‘Diamonds to Dust’ is a stripped down song where she addresses a part of herself that she is still healing. She wants a better version to emerge from the pain that running away from things has caused her. 

This album is a perfectly told story of who Lilith Czar has left behind and who she has become. It leaves the listener feeling empowered but also makes you think. It makes you aware of the things you need to heal from and the things you need to let go of. No matter who you are or where you come from there is at least one song on this album that will resonate deeply with you and possibly jumpstart your very own journey towards a better version of yourself, free of past constraints. 

Lilith Czar said in an interview with Rock Sound, “That’s the wonderful thing about music, once it’s out there it’s for the listener to own as well.” Ever since I heard her say that I just knew this was going to be the album; my album. And it can be yours too.