Ashley Longo

Paris based rock band, Halflives, just released a music video for their song, ‘Vibe’. This was my first time being exposed to this band and I gotta tell you, I was immediately hooked. 

I fell in love with this song instantly and when listening to it, I felt empowered. It’s filled with so much rage that you can tell was bottled up for so long and then just completely exploded. As someone who is also filled with so much rage, I really appreciated this and can relate on a personal level. I also love the fact that it’s a female vocalist singing about all of these angry emotions. It amplifies the rage and as a female myself, it resonated with me more than if it were a male singing. 

The first thing that caught my attention while watching the music video was the camera work. Throughout the video, the camera is always moving and even unsteady at some parts. It’s like the person filming was almost rioting along with the band and since that’s the viewers point of view, it’s like we, the audience, are rioting along right there with them. It’s such a simple technique but creates such a huge effect. The music video itself is also just completely badass and totally rock n roll. It’s in a dark setting, the band is rocking out, it totally fits the vibe of the song. 

When talking about this song, lead singer, Linda Battilani, said, “...While I was writing it I was picturing myself as a sort of leader of the French Revolution, and I was leading all the misfits and the ones that had been left out to power. That’s what "Vibe" is about. Letting everybody know they have a place in this world, just gotta fight for it and rebel a bit when things feel unfair." This is exactly what I got out of the song and I loved every second of it. Listening to the song and watching the video made me feel like one of those misfits joining this French Revolution. 

Overall this was a great tune and great video, I really enjoyed it and I will definitely be listening to more of Halflives! 

Halflives will be headlining a tour in the UK this summer. Tour dates and more information on