Natalia Soul Takes Us On A Journey of Love With Debut EP, Hurt You

Rebecca Potzner

Love is beautiful, it’s mesmerizing, and it can be messy.

Natalia Soul’s debut EP, Hurt You, cuts deep into the feels following the tumultuous rollercoaster ride of love we all know too well. An emotional journey, Hurt You is about loving at your own risk, breaking hearts, and desire. Released exactly a week before Valentine’s Day, it’s the perfect soundtrack for those head over heels or celebrating being single. Truly bringing the EP full circle, it closes with a beautiful version of ‘Hurt You’ in Spanish - ‘Voy a Lastimarte’.

“There’s something to be said about a song that delivers emotion and dynamics when it’s stripped down. So, instead of goin, “let’s throw everything at this tune in the production stage!” I decided to take a minimalistic approach. And It was to my surprise a really fun process. It became more about the spirit of this song?It was, much like in one’s life, the undertaking of deconstructing and revealing the true nature of the music...which meant a lot more Spanish guitar!”

Anyone navigating the world of dating in 2021 is sure to find the EP beyond relatable with lyrics like “He don’t know what he wants. I’m damned If I do, I’m damned If I don’t.” In ‘Hurt You’, Natalia addresses the struggle of questioning everything and just telling the truth. Continuing with pure honesty, ‘Thirsty’ is a sexy lay it all on the line and let’s get it on type vibe.

The full EP is truly an alluring listen. It’s the perfect soundtrack to cozy up and enjoy a cup of coffee (or wine) and basque in the beauty of it’s jazzy Spanish spin and Natalia’s smooth voice.

Hurt You is now available on all streaming platforms. Give it a listen below…