Shot from music video.
Not even two seconds in and my eyes are swelled up with tears. Home videos spanning Wolf Van Halen’s life with his father take over the screen. Intimate father + son moments between Wolf and Eddie Van Halen help tell the story of love and loss.
“Distance” is Wolf’s first solo release under the name Mammoth WVH, an ode to family history, and wow, what a start. Wolf not only wrote the song but plays all instruments and takes vocal lead. A true testament to the talent amongst the Van Halen Family.
Wolf wrote the song as his Father was battling cancer and imagining what life would be like without him…
“As my pop continued to struggle with various health issues, I was imagining what my life would be like without him and how terribly I’d miss him. While the song is incredibly personal, I think anyone can relate to the idea of having a profound loss in their life. I never intended ‘Distance’ to be the very first piece of music people would hear from me, but I also thought my father would be here to celebrate its release. This is for him. I love and miss you, Pop.”
Although incredibly emotional, I find “Distance” comforting in all aspects - lyrically, vocally, and in it’s composition. Wolf truly created a beautiful piece of work to tribute to his father. Eddie would be SO proud. Our hurt for the loss of Eddie Van Halen cannot be compared to the pain that Wolf is feeling, but we’re all still grieving and “Distance” certainly brings us all some solace.
“The song is one thing but it’s very important to watch the video", Wolf shared with Howard Stern. Watch the video + purchase the song at the links below. Proceeds from “Distance” will be donated to Eddie’s favorite charity, Mr. Holland's Opus Foundation.
Stay tuned at the very end. If you aren’t already in tears, the last few seconds will hit you hard.