All I Got Was Band Merch: WD-HAN

Rebecca Potzner
Copy of COVID TOUR (3).png

The COVID Tour has unfortunately made it’s way into the final month of 2020. How quickly will concerts return in 2021? An answer we’re completely unsure of.

The ‘All I Got Was Band Merch’ series documents how COVID-19 is affecting both artists AND fans. This week, we’re catching up with our friends in WD-HAN whom you may have heard on Rock My Soul.

Lead singer Spencer Barnes, guitarist Cal Henry, and percussionist Lea Barnes have been a band since 2008 and they’re certainly not letting 2020 change that. During quarantine and social distancing, the band has been busy at work with a big release out this month. Hear more about it all below…

How have you been making this time useful? (As a band and individually)

We started the year with a game to put out one single a month for the entire year. So a lot of this time has now been put to songwriting, learning all about recording at home and starting to put that to use. We put out an acoustic version of our song ‘Red Sun’ which was recorded all at home. With our latest release, you’ll see a little more complexity including electric guitars, synths, percussions and vocal harmonies. All recorded, mixed and mastered by us. On December 18th, we’re releasing The 2020 Album. It’s a full collection of songs we have released over the last year and as a special bonus we are including a new song, 'Places'!

Plus our Tik Tok career has really taken off. ;)

Has songwriting been easier or harder, without seeing your other band mates?

It’s definitely had its challenges. But we’ve worked out a very good system, we all have Logic so it’s easy for one of us to record a part at home and share to add to the project. Spencer has become our recording/mixing/mastering guru and takes all the parts being sent to him in stride. It helps that he and Lea (drummer) are married so get to live and work together too.

What do you miss most from the “normal” world, before COVID-19?

Playing LIVE! We miss venues, shows, seeing fans/friends/family at the shows. Traveling for shows. All of it. Also going to the movies… we’d love to pay for some overpriced popcorn right about now.

During your free time, are there any bands/artists you have newly discovered or any old albums that you love, that you’ve been playing a bit more recently?

Funny you ask this! We recently went through an old iPod lying around and found some songs that we hadn’t heard since high school. These were a few:

Weighty Ghost by Wintersleep

Cars by Lady Danville

Love, Love, Love by As Tall As Lions

‘Belief’ Live from the Special Edition of Continuum (John Mayer)

Have you picked up any new hobbies during this time?

Does eating count? Lol. 

How has your daily routine changed since COVID-19?

It’s actually gotten a little more organized. A little more focused on the work that’s most important. We’ve realized now more than ever how vital it is to have art and music in the world. How much it can lift people’s spirits. So that’s what we’re pushing more than anything else.