Awake At Last devotes show to "every photographer, musician, artist, and individual"

Iris Konstant

Photos by Iris Konstant


Awake At Last, are a brand new “DIY” band which is making strides within the scene. As they’ve not only had the chance to tour with bands such as Leav/e/arth; but have also been invited to perform on several dates of this year’s Vans Warped Tour. If that’s not enough to convince you about this band’s growing clout, Alternative Press has named them as “One of Twelve Bands You Need to Know.” Thus, with that buzz, you at least owe it to yourself to catch one of their shows; which is nothing short of an empowering and electric atmosphere. 

Awake At Last performed to about 30+ people at Nashville, Tennessee’s Café Coco; which is located right behind the famous Exit/In. The modest number of people seemed to be interested in not just discovering brand new music but also jamming to native artists such as SwanN and Jude Quinn

SwanN took the stage around 7:30, performing songs from their 2017 release, Three Weeks. The thrash-rockers managed to captivate and enthral the crowd; even if it was only their “fifth show.” As lead singer, Tommy announced before launching into their guitar-laden closing track “Daises.” Which depicts a relationship gone awry, due to dishonesty from a former lover; but unlike a former lover, SwanN brought honest, energetic, rock-n-roll to Café Coco.  


After SwanN had left the stage, the crowd dispersed and began to intermingle amongst each other. The intermission, however, didn’t stifle the energetic anticipation palpable between fans and artists alike. As once the intermission ended, the crowd seamlessly moved forward. Ready eager and ready to follow Awake At Last’s lead singer, Vincent Torres on a journey through Life, Death, and Rebirth; as depicted in their 2017 debut EP Life/Death/Rebirth

During Awake At Last’s set, lead singer Torres managed to engage the crowd by striving to address life’s modern-day trials and tribulations; such as anxiety and depression. Which was addressed in the song “Analysis Paralysis.” Torres’ inspiration for the song stems from his own personal demons; as he introduced this song as a “Fuck you, to depression and anxiety.” Which has plagued him the majority of his life and by the cheers coming from the crowd, affected others in the room as well. 

Mental illness within America affects a combined 56.2 million individuals. As over 16.2 million Americans have suffered from at least one major depressive episode. While over 40 million suffer from generalized anxiety, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. When artists such as Awake At Last address personal issues like depression and anxiety, the scene is strengthened and Americans are able to find outspoken warriors; like Torres to look to for strength and guidance in a struggle which is all too often hidden and shamed. 

After Torres’ call to enlightenment, the band proceeded to play one last song which Torres devoted to “every photographer, musician, artist, and individual” within Café Coco; as the band strived to once again develop a feel-good atmosphere within the small-cap venue with the song “Constellations.” In developing an atmosphere of empowerment and unity, Awake At Last managed to not only snag a few fans in Nashville but establish friendships along the way.