Thrice Brings Their Own Masterpiece to Life at Marathon Music Works

Iris Konstant

As the nights grow longer and summer slips through our fingers, concert season is beginning to wind down. Albeit it wouldn’t seem so if you lived in Nashville, TN; seeing as countless bands have passed through town this week alone. From the Goo Goo Dolls to Thrice, every venue in Nashville has been host to a myriad of bands; and Marathon Music Works was no exception. As alternative-rock band Thrice, brought their ‘Palms’ tour to Marathon Music Works on October 14th. 

The Nashville date of the ‘Palms’ tour marked the end of “Leg One;” thus, each band’s tone and aesthetic performance was dialed in. Regardless of technical issues or not, Teenage Wrist & The Bronx’s were both beyond grateful for the kindness displayed by locals; who chose to listen to their sets on a rainy Sunday evening. Those who did choose to spend time listening to openers Teenage Wrist and The Bronx were greeted by an interesting medley of music that night; as Teenage Wrist carried glossy-grunge vibes whilst The Bronx was…raucous, to say the least.  

If you don’t believe me, then I would recommend grabbing some tickets for the second leg of the ‘Palms’ tour. Which starts back up on November 2nd in San Francisco with stops across the west coast and Midwest. That way you can experience the exciting dynamic frenzy which broke out when Matt Caughthran, lead singer of The Bronx, jumped the barricade just to create a circle pit to their song “Heart Attack American.” 

If you’re not one for circle pits, you should still make the ‘Palms’ tour a “must-see;” as alt-rockers Thrice bring their own version of a masterpiece to life. As from their first note on “Only Us” to the last note of “To Awake and Avenge the Dead;” Thrice create an utterly captivating performance through the assistance of a carefully crafted lighting design; set to highlight the rockers in shadowy blues, reds, and purples. 

Not to mention the lyricism seen throughout created a meaningful backdrop; as songs such like; “Image of the Invisible” and “Hold Up a Light” subtly depict the strength and perseverance of the human soul. Topics which reappear frequently within Thrice’s discography; as lead singer Dustin Kensrue has been an advocate for helping fans reaffirm their worth. By reassuring fans through written word and spoken that we’re not just alive and worth “x” amount; but that “we are beings of unconditional worth. Regardless of what the world says we have to offer.” 

The sentiment on stage and throughout ‘Palms’ was no different; as Thrice strived to masterfully create a place which was not only safe from the rain; but also safe from the callous world which lurked just outside the doors of Marathon Music Works that Sunday night. 

Tickets for Thrice’s ‘Palms’ tour can be found here.