Nick Guckert Gives Us A Folksy Storybook In Debut Solo EP

Baylee Avery

Nick Guckert. Where do I even begin when it comes to describing Nick Guckert? His voice is one that just sticks with you once you first hear him sing. The second you hear his voice, you start wanting more and more of what he has to offer in his music. 

Following his time in Pittsburgh-based bands, such as Cisco Kid and The Living Street, Nick is venturing out on his own as a solo artist for the first time.  And he has released a three track self-titled EP that you will certainly want to listen to again and again. 

So with that, let’s dive in and see how this EP holds up.

The first track, “Miss You More” is a gorgeous way of starting this three track journey. This track is beautiful in every way. It gives that sentimental feeling of missing someone - hence the title of the song. The lyricism of this song holds such a beautiful meaning and it’ll reel you in again and again.

Moving onto the next track, “The Very Best”. My personal favorite, if you ask me. If there’s one thing I’ll forever praise Nick for - it’s his ability to tell stories in his songs and this song is no exception. mThis track is as relatable as it gets, with the song’s chorus being, I could be the very best or I could be too scared - which is such a beautiful lyric itself. That could tell a million stories. The folk elements of this song, plus Nick’s vocal performance is a true highlight in every way and it’s nothing short of stellar. By the way, Nick - you are the very best. 

Now we’re at the third and final track - “This Ain’t The Last”. This song is an anthem in every way, a mantra. If there’s one thing I can explain about this track, it’s the fact that Nick is coming back out on top and stronger than ever before. It gives a very strong impression, a strong feeling in every way. And just like the lyrics says, Nick says what he means.

And he’s right - this ain’t the last we’ll be seeing of him.

This EP was beautiful and melodic in every way. It’s a folksy storybook from start to finish, with all three songs having a story of their own and it makes you want more of what Nick has to offer. The lyrics, the vocal performance, all of it gives so much flavor to the EP in more ways than one.

Overall, a wonderful start to a solo career. We look forward to more of Nick and his musical adventures.